But that's bad. I have work to do. Husband and a child to attend to. And life to catch up. And I always take soooo much time when I am immersed in books. So I've been on rehab for quite some time. I missed reading books. When I dont splurge myself in books, I get impulsive buying over other things. Shoes, bags, everything else.
That one fine day, while waiting for my husband to arrive, I hang around at Tesco just opposite of my office, I was browsing shoes, bags, shoes & many other things but really, I am nearly broke. I saw Popular and I have this thought, oh might as well I just hang around in there, I might get few books. Might. What a strong word.
There are few criteria I find in books. You know how they say they are two types of person looking at menus? One will be looking for the type of food, one will check on the price first. So I am the latter.
1. Price. I will always check on the price of the books. I dont always find books that exceeds RM50.
2. Thickness. If the price exceeds RM50, I will check on the thickness of the books. If it's thick, it might worth it, no?

3. Content & font size. This is really important. Of course, I will read thru the synopsis first. And then I will check on the font size. If the font size is small to medium, means the words count is higher right? Given with the thickness of the book. If the font is too big, it might be wasteful because the word count is less and I might finish the book earlier than I immerse myself into it. Totally wasteful.

4. Best seller or Top selling. If it's best selling, cheap, quite thick with medium-sized font, it'll definitely worth it. Especially when the normal price exceeds RM50 and it sells for RM10, given the content is catchy and suits my taste, DEFINITELY A MUST BUY.
5. Type of book. My interest of book genres ranges widely. I can go with chick lit, and sadist book from 0-10. I love something investigative. Thrills. I dont know how can I describe it. It depends on the 3rd point. But really, I read mostly everything fictional. And I will try my best to avoid series. I had my hard time with Hunger Games back in 2010 and it cringes me waiting for the episodes to complete. Months of waiting for the third book to come out. Boy, it was excruciating.
And so, I scored two books. Both are at a discount and retails at RM10 each!
This book is soooooo thrilling. And personally me, when I read books, my imagination spikes up real high and at thrill scenes, I would have goosebumps.
This book is one of the examples of criteria that fits nearly perfect for myself. Price, content, the thickness, font size. Everything. And it cringes me that I have like less than 5 chapters to end but I am currently working and I know I could finish it in less than 10 minutes but no, I am in working hours. Huwarghhhhh.
And I will always have this one withdrawal moments after I read a book. Like my brain would imagine loads of what ifs, if it happens differently, everything. Goshhhh it might took days though. Hence, why I put myself in rehab for the past months. Books are sooooo addictive. But I always get back to it once I feel like my vocabularies needs a re-fix. And I also dont want to be onto phones now. I want my baby to inherit my love for books. I want my children to read. Strengthen their languages.
And my baby boo already onto his 5th and 6th tooth!
Awhhhhh much love. So what are your criteria when buying a story books?
Wasalam. Love, Nina M.