Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Anis's so-called-birthday meet ups/party

This girl has been my friends for nearly 10 years. Close friends to be exact. I dont even know how we click to each other. Form 1 was normal, I dont even know her that much. But I was always with Rommanah who happens to be quite close with Anis & Shahanim was always with Anis. So I dont know how we all four get together. We even have this name Romamanisha. Lol. Those were the days. But Anis is the one whom I've been so closely in contact with for the past years as Rom & Sha studied so far away. Only recently that we often arranged meet-ups just to gather all four of us.

So Anis's birthday was on 22nd July. Damn I really appreciate this girl for being there for me like so many times, heard all my whining, my cries. I remember I drove to Shah Alam on the first night my ex dumped me, who happens to be my husband now hahahaha.

On her birthday, Rom was coming into town and brought us all durian! So they all decided we should all gather at my house, wearing blue jeans and white blouse. So we did, we had lunch, tea time, fruits here and there, golek-golek, chit chat. Husband kindly went out to repair his bike to let us have a time and house for ourselves which is so nice of him! All this thing make us reminisce those days in hostel. Haihh I miss all that.

The girls. From left, me, Shahanim, Rom & Anis. Shahanim is newly weds while Rom & Anis is still single and actively looking. We all have different professions except for Rom & Shahanim as both of them are doctors. Anis is an auditor while me, an engineer.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANIS! You have been the kind of friend that is so reliable and I pray for the best in your future, in sha Allah.

I love meet-ups like this. All my dreams of organizing a meet-ups/party/sleepover/hangouts with friends are somehow can be done, in sha Allah. Probably gonna organize a doa selamat/house warming event later.

Wasalam. Love, Nina M.

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