Yea, that's me. They say when you want to add acids to your skincare routine, you gotta make sure that all your basic skincare routine is consistent. Consistency is what I am lack of. I just cant be such good friend to it! Screw me. They are days I would have hated to see my skin purging so I stopped acids for quite some time and when the pimples subsided, I continued because I want to get rid of all the underneath dirt. And when the purging starts, I stopped, again. I know I should do it consistently, I know. But, but, but. Arghhh what the hell. I'm just procrastinating. Probably because I would be so tired after cooking, clean the house & shower and Harris wants to sleep so bad so I have to put him to bed first but of course, I often fall asleep along with him & wake up the next day, so......
What a sucker for sleeping. I love sleeping & will forever be sleepy. And did I mention I hate how oily my face gets after PM skincare routine? It's not oily to be exact, its just I dont like the feeling of few layers of skincare on my face at night time. Its moisturizing, hydrating but also, I dont like it. Eventhough most skincare I use is lightweight ones. I dont know. Screw myself.
This is my bare-faced face. Just skincare and look how I'm purging on both sides of lower cheeks, on my chin and around my nose. I have this whiteheads underneath my lower lips and at the sides of my nose so that's what I am trying to get rid of, hence the Mandelic Acid. Mind you, its only 5% because my skin is sensitive. I really need to be consistent in my skincare routine since I am incorporating acids. Even if I am not pun, definitely need to be consistent too.
Entah bila nak kulit flawless kalau consistent pun tidakkkkkkk. *cries*
And this morning, while I was sipping my hot nescafe, I heard a crack & guess what, its my spectacles (refer above photo). Sigh. I definitely cant fix this anymore since I already glued once on the frame, taped both sides of the handle using black tape and now its broken again. I really need to make new spectacles at Sg Wang but now is viral with HFMD and I am too scared to bring Harris out anywhere. So I guess its either I go alone, with my siblings, or wait until the viral virus subsides. But can this spectacles hold on? I'm hanging on this with my life! I hope so.
I was looking for super glue at the office when one of my colleague, Kak Dalila said she have extra spectacles she could give me. The power is almost the same and it seems that my spectacles cant be saved because the last super glue existed at the office already hardened and there's no way I could use it. I know using other people's spectacles is not advisable but just for the time being I could really use whatever sources I could get. I am so not used to round specs, ever since I started wearing one.
I am so not used with round specs. I've been using rectangular specs and big ones because I dont like it when my view is restricted. Some say this specs look good on me. My personal opinion, its too hipster for me? I dont know. This would be my last resort for choices, definitely. And I dont think I look okay with round specs, I dont know. Still, definitely need to go buy new ones.
Just one happy thing, I am getting better at make ups. Wuhuuuu.
Not that good with eyeshadows but I surely can do minimal ones. Just dont know how to do brows. And since I dont have blusher and highlighter, I kinda uses my lipstick as my blusher and good to know it blends perfectly to my skin. And I uses my glitter eyeshadow for highlighter and it lits? Definitely! Not that flawless though but I am kinda satisfied with my minimal make-up now.
Last but not least, be consistent, Amalina! Pray for me guys. Thank you.
Wasalam. Love, Nina M.