My husband has never been so supportive ever. Or he always has been (but I'm too blinded with those dream husband kinda post) but really, he's helped me so much with chores, helped me with my assignments, and helped taking care of Harris while I'm not feeling myself or down and comforts me most of the time. And really, we rarely fights. Even if there is, we would just laugh it out. I am just truly blessed.
And right now, here I am in front of my laptop, preparing my slides and reports that are due TODAY and I'm still working on it. I dont know. My days of procrastinating has been bad and I cant seem to focus and keep myself focused. I feel like I'm not putting much effort and I hate for doing so. And I know, I might not get 4.0 this semester just like last semester (oh what a shocker I got 4.0!) but I'll just try and try to give my best.
After so long overdue, I finally went to the saloon and get myself a haircut. Ahhhh, it feels awesome. I think the last time I went for a haircut was like, 5 months ago? Yea, that long. And my hair grows so fast. My early year 2020 was full with classes. I had 4 weekends full of classes and now I'm on my chill weekend for 2 weeks and then I'm back to my tight schedules. But I dont know maybe next week classes will be canceled, due to covid-19. I cant tell because the ministry is still assessing the situation and everyday would have different decisions from the government but I pray for this crucial times will end soon. Aminnnn
Harris is officially a becok! He talks a lot. I guess he gets that from me. But all his complaining and sighing, definitely from the father. Hahaha. So his days of following pursuit of whatever we did upgraded to whatever we speak of. So gotta be careful of whatever comes out from our mouth ya. My baby is so cute. Just like mummy.
And since he's over 2 years old now, I started weaning him off. And yea, it was hard. He never wanted milk bottle if I'm around (except in Kak Na's house), but persuading him takes a lot of effort. Alhamdulillah, we finally did it. And I've reduced his breastfeeding time to only once! So he takes his milk bottle twice a day, sometimes thrice, 7 ounce and he sleeps on his own. I mean, just give him a cuddle and he's out! Goshh, my big baby is big.
Okay, gotta continue doing my reports now. Bye bye! Wasalam. Love, Nina M.
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