You know, being at home, 24/7 not being able to go out even for a stroll, its hard to keep your sanity in check. But it needs to be done. You kinda have to keep your mind in positivity and dont let overthinking ruined you. One thing I tried to devote myself to is pray on time. Its because its either I pray late or missed it because of work. I've been trying to fix it and many times I fail also.
It took me days in this RMO to realize that I have all the time I need to focus on my prayer, my family, my household and everything. Most of the times I spend on the screen and it contributes nothing but panic and overthinking. So I realized, why am I still slacking on prayer when I can schedule everything and always keep my prayer in the earliest time? And spend some time reading Al-Quran. Yea, I have the time for that. As long as I keep in tact with my schedule. I can make time to cook, to take care of household, to do most of thing and keep everything in order. Its hard to discipline myself especially when procrastinating is kinda my middle name. I am easily distracted too.
But really, first and foremost, I am going to always pray at the earliest time and never miss a prayer. And then, always keep my schedule like I'm working (especially shower in the early morning because it kinda help to set my mind to a task), except that I'm doing assignments and not working from home. Remind me I still have paper to submit this 30th March 2020 and still ongoing (kinda just start now).
Things I do at home to keep my sanity in check and reduce screen time.
1. Cooks full course meal, everyday.
2. Ensure my kitchen is nice, clean and full with food.
3. Ensure the cleanliness of the house.
4. Ensure Harris is clean and shower on time.
5. Start weaning off Harris.
6. Potty train Harris.
7. Spend more time reading.
8. Do research and finishing my assignments.
9. Ganti puasa! (4 more days to go)
10. Picnic at the balcony to ensure we all got decent amount of fresh air.
P/s: Laundry is being taken care of my husband since he's the one going out for groceries.
I kinda need to focus doing my report since I just started. I've got like several papers I need to read and need to print them out. It would be unfair to say I'm tired because I've like contributed 15% in focusing to my reports and taking my time off watching tv, updating my blog and all. Damn, I am easily distracted. I just find it so hard to focus. Okay, adios.
Wasalam. Love, Nina M.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Yea, I hated when things like this happens. Especially when people keep sharing how this is some biological weapons and how this is signs of apocalypse all sorts of stuffs. Things I avoided myself from reading because I know how it'll make me panic over things. Well, I've been panicking ever since January but I just calm myself down because everybody else told me its fine and I dont need to panic so much. And then, now everybody around me is panicking. But still in a controllable state, unlike me. So yea, I've taken few precautions before this cases goes haywire in Malaysia. I reduced our time out and spent time at home, especially when a toddler, you gotta start slow. Means you cant simply cage him at home, you gotta start with reducing out time, only for a stroll and reduced time at stores and explains to him why we gotta stay at home more often. And now, I guess Restricted Movement Order is enforced, I just gotta keep telling Harris that we gotta stay home and only my husband can go out to get supplies.
Just sharing our actions taken even before RMO was enforced.
1. Reduce stores time. Only taking Harris out for a stroll under our house and around our housing area.
2. Once coming home from work or other places, dont go and kiss Harris or each other.
3. Shower and wash all our clothes after going out especially in closed, air-conditioned area.
4. Bought hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes and ensure all soaps is enough.
5. Ensure all of our basic necessities is in order.
6. Ensure all hands are sanitized once touching metal, door handles, lift buttons.
7. Wear masks in meetings and when unwell.
8. Drink vitamin C and plenty of water.
9. Always keep our necessities complete.
Since we've enforced this waaaay before RMO, I guess it gets easier to continue the routine. Or so I think.....
I panicked guys. During the time that people are panic buying due to maybe lockdown will be enforced, was actually the day that we should be getting our groceries (tell me about bad timing). And so, the stores are full. So after the announcement of RMO, my husband told me he's getting groceries after midnight, after Harris's asleep because he always wants to tag along. Thank god St Rosyam is open 24 hours. But of course, panic buying continues. I told my husband to only get what's necessary and urgent. Also because I did bought most of the soaps all sorts the day before, what's left is only lauk basah, beras & minyak masak. So I told him to get only that and few other stuffs such as yee mee (we always have this in our stock for lazy cooking nights). And probably get the lauk basah the day after. Because, its packed with people! Like packed pack! So of course, social distancing is important, I told him we'll get other things later. Just buy beras and minyak masak first.
Early in the morning around 4am, he went again and get all the things we wanted to get earlier. Alhamdulillah, the traffic was better, means social distancing still can be applied. That morning, my husband need to head for the office because he needs to set up server for company's laptop and he still needs to work from home. I dont need to because I'm not that important? And yea, I got unpaid leave guys. Sucks.
Anyways, 5 days of RMO and what breaks me is seeing Harris grabbing his shoes wanting to go for a walk and I'm feeling dreadful because I cant let him. Also the reasons why my husband went out grocery shopping in the early morning. We've been spending loads of time at the balcony, we had breakfast there, picnic there, just to get Harris some fresh air (thank god for balcony). I'm starting to feel so stuck, staying at home, but I'm too paranoid to take over grocery shopping.
Actually I just submitted my Post Module Assignments for Financial Analysis. I've been slacking and procrastinating over it and panicked for the past couple of hours of finalizing it because I have so much more left (padan muka diri sendiri) for that and now I'm blogging. Been ditching my skincare routines for days now and pimples partying yay.....
I have seven more days before I need to submit my research methodology reports which is due 30th March 2020. So I gotta get going starting tonight. Might not sleep tonight, or might because I've been spending my day doing assignments and I need rest probably. However, given that I've been slacking and being couch potato, I deserve a night where I should focus and not let anything distract me! Goshhh I'm so easily distracted.
5 days of RMO and 9 more days to go. Good luck guys and be safe!
Wasalam. Love, Nina M.
Just sharing our actions taken even before RMO was enforced.
1. Reduce stores time. Only taking Harris out for a stroll under our house and around our housing area.
2. Once coming home from work or other places, dont go and kiss Harris or each other.
3. Shower and wash all our clothes after going out especially in closed, air-conditioned area.
4. Bought hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes and ensure all soaps is enough.
5. Ensure all of our basic necessities is in order.
6. Ensure all hands are sanitized once touching metal, door handles, lift buttons.
7. Wear masks in meetings and when unwell.
8. Drink vitamin C and plenty of water.
9. Always keep our necessities complete.
Since we've enforced this waaaay before RMO, I guess it gets easier to continue the routine. Or so I think.....
I panicked guys. During the time that people are panic buying due to maybe lockdown will be enforced, was actually the day that we should be getting our groceries (tell me about bad timing). And so, the stores are full. So after the announcement of RMO, my husband told me he's getting groceries after midnight, after Harris's asleep because he always wants to tag along. Thank god St Rosyam is open 24 hours. But of course, panic buying continues. I told my husband to only get what's necessary and urgent. Also because I did bought most of the soaps all sorts the day before, what's left is only lauk basah, beras & minyak masak. So I told him to get only that and few other stuffs such as yee mee (we always have this in our stock for lazy cooking nights). And probably get the lauk basah the day after. Because, its packed with people! Like packed pack! So of course, social distancing is important, I told him we'll get other things later. Just buy beras and minyak masak first.
Early in the morning around 4am, he went again and get all the things we wanted to get earlier. Alhamdulillah, the traffic was better, means social distancing still can be applied. That morning, my husband need to head for the office because he needs to set up server for company's laptop and he still needs to work from home. I dont need to because I'm not that important? And yea, I got unpaid leave guys. Sucks.
Anyways, 5 days of RMO and what breaks me is seeing Harris grabbing his shoes wanting to go for a walk and I'm feeling dreadful because I cant let him. Also the reasons why my husband went out grocery shopping in the early morning. We've been spending loads of time at the balcony, we had breakfast there, picnic there, just to get Harris some fresh air (thank god for balcony). I'm starting to feel so stuck, staying at home, but I'm too paranoid to take over grocery shopping.
Actually I just submitted my Post Module Assignments for Financial Analysis. I've been slacking and procrastinating over it and panicked for the past couple of hours of finalizing it because I have so much more left (padan muka diri sendiri) for that and now I'm blogging. Been ditching my skincare routines for days now and pimples partying yay.....
I have seven more days before I need to submit my research methodology reports which is due 30th March 2020. So I gotta get going starting tonight. Might not sleep tonight, or might because I've been spending my day doing assignments and I need rest probably. However, given that I've been slacking and being couch potato, I deserve a night where I should focus and not let anything distract me! Goshhh I'm so easily distracted.
5 days of RMO and 9 more days to go. Good luck guys and be safe!
Wasalam. Love, Nina M.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Recent weeks of so many people losing their loved ones really gave me a lesson. A blessing in disguise would be unfair to say but I guess it opens my eyes to see and appreciate more of what I have in front of me than to dwell for things that wasn't meant for me.

My husband has never been so supportive ever. Or he always has been (but I'm too blinded with those dream husband kinda post) but really, he's helped me so much with chores, helped me with my assignments, and helped taking care of Harris while I'm not feeling myself or down and comforts me most of the time. And really, we rarely fights. Even if there is, we would just laugh it out. I am just truly blessed.
And right now, here I am in front of my laptop, preparing my slides and reports that are due TODAY and I'm still working on it. I dont know. My days of procrastinating has been bad and I cant seem to focus and keep myself focused. I feel like I'm not putting much effort and I hate for doing so. And I know, I might not get 4.0 this semester just like last semester (oh what a shocker I got 4.0!) but I'll just try and try to give my best.
After so long overdue, I finally went to the saloon and get myself a haircut. Ahhhh, it feels awesome. I think the last time I went for a haircut was like, 5 months ago? Yea, that long. And my hair grows so fast. My early year 2020 was full with classes. I had 4 weekends full of classes and now I'm on my chill weekend for 2 weeks and then I'm back to my tight schedules. But I dont know maybe next week classes will be canceled, due to covid-19. I cant tell because the ministry is still assessing the situation and everyday would have different decisions from the government but I pray for this crucial times will end soon. Aminnnn
Harris is officially a becok! He talks a lot. I guess he gets that from me. But all his complaining and sighing, definitely from the father. Hahaha. So his days of following pursuit of whatever we did upgraded to whatever we speak of. So gotta be careful of whatever comes out from our mouth ya. My baby is so cute. Just like mummy.

My husband has never been so supportive ever. Or he always has been (but I'm too blinded with those dream husband kinda post) but really, he's helped me so much with chores, helped me with my assignments, and helped taking care of Harris while I'm not feeling myself or down and comforts me most of the time. And really, we rarely fights. Even if there is, we would just laugh it out. I am just truly blessed.
And right now, here I am in front of my laptop, preparing my slides and reports that are due TODAY and I'm still working on it. I dont know. My days of procrastinating has been bad and I cant seem to focus and keep myself focused. I feel like I'm not putting much effort and I hate for doing so. And I know, I might not get 4.0 this semester just like last semester (oh what a shocker I got 4.0!) but I'll just try and try to give my best.
After so long overdue, I finally went to the saloon and get myself a haircut. Ahhhh, it feels awesome. I think the last time I went for a haircut was like, 5 months ago? Yea, that long. And my hair grows so fast. My early year 2020 was full with classes. I had 4 weekends full of classes and now I'm on my chill weekend for 2 weeks and then I'm back to my tight schedules. But I dont know maybe next week classes will be canceled, due to covid-19. I cant tell because the ministry is still assessing the situation and everyday would have different decisions from the government but I pray for this crucial times will end soon. Aminnnn
Harris is officially a becok! He talks a lot. I guess he gets that from me. But all his complaining and sighing, definitely from the father. Hahaha. So his days of following pursuit of whatever we did upgraded to whatever we speak of. So gotta be careful of whatever comes out from our mouth ya. My baby is so cute. Just like mummy.
And since he's over 2 years old now, I started weaning him off. And yea, it was hard. He never wanted milk bottle if I'm around (except in Kak Na's house), but persuading him takes a lot of effort. Alhamdulillah, we finally did it. And I've reduced his breastfeeding time to only once! So he takes his milk bottle twice a day, sometimes thrice, 7 ounce and he sleeps on his own. I mean, just give him a cuddle and he's out! Goshh, my big baby is big.
Okay, gotta continue doing my reports now. Bye bye! Wasalam. Love, Nina M.
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