Friday, October 19, 2018

25 random things about me

Honestly, I've drafted like two, and deleted everything. Two for today. I had three yesterday. I dont know how to blog anymore. I was halfway into writing when I got blank. Writer's block. Terribly. But I know I'm good at random things. And I am going to start all over again.

25 Random Things About Me. 

1. I am married for nearly 5 years now and we have a baby that is so cute & cheeky, just like me.

2. I am paradox. By means I always acts contradictory to what I said. Hence, a complicated person. Even my husband finds it hard to understand me. He always said that. 

  1. a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.

    "the uncertainty principle leads to all sorts of paradoxes, like the particles being in two places at once"
    synonyms:contradiction, contradiction in terms, self-contradictioninconsistencyincongruityanomalyconflictMore
    • a statement or proposition which, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems logically unacceptable or self-contradictory.

      "the liar paradox"
    • a person or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.

      "cathedrals face the paradox of having enormous wealth in treasures but huge annual expenses"

3. I look like Chinese. I dont have Chinese blood though. I just look like one.

4. I love sleeping. I would choose sleeping even if my friend invite me for a late night lepak. Even when my siblings do, my husband would go alone, because I choose to sleep. Even when I'm hungry, I sleep & eat at the same time. I just fancy sleep so much.

5. I love doing house chores. Its therapeutic. I would feel soooo cranky knowing that I leave my house/room in a mess. So usually after putting Harris to sleep, I would get up and continue doing chores until everything in order. And if I didnt do that (aka sleeping because its precious), I would cringe at the fact that my house is a mess. Told ya I'm paradox.

6. I dont know how to cook complicated malay dishes such as kari ayam, masak lemak cili api, laksa, mee kari etc. I dont really know how to cook though but ever since we moved out of my parents house, I learned cooking. And I'm starting to love it. Well of course, I had to love it, it needs to be done.

7. I love reading books. Its therapeutic for me. I am a hardcore reader. I can finish reading books as early as an hour. Depending on the thickness of the books. And I judge a book by its synopsis. I did blog about my preferences in choosing books though. Can refer here.

8. I love doing arts. I love getting crayons, color pencil & all kinds of arts thingy. I spend time doing things DIY too. Because I am so cheapskate liddat. I would always try to minimize my spending especially when I can do it myself. Check this out.

9. I love Tumblr. It has always been my favorite after Blogspot. Honestly, I may spend so much time on Twitter & Facebook & Instagram, but seriously, I am all over Tumblr and Blogspot. I've been blogging for nearly 10 years now and I still am, because its therapeutic for me too. This is my 3rd blog, each I made taught me a lesson and I never regret having it.

10. I love to eat. I cant tell how much food I've consumed. I am a definite eater. And I just dont get fat. Yet? I dont know. Its too early to tell. Even after I gave birth, I still am skinny. While I was pregnant, most of my colleagues call me lenglui because from behind, I dont even look like I'm pregnant. Really skinny liddat.

11. I eat all the time. I am hungry like all the time. Now that I am breastfeeding my baby, I get hungry so so fast and always eating.

12. To-do-list are my pet peeves. I get annoyed by it. Here's why

13. Before blogging, I had a diary. And writing was so much easier back then. Not having to worry anything. My sister did read it. My husband too. And I'm thinking of getting back at it. I did read it few times and cringing at every word I wrote. Hahahaha. Silly me.

14. NO PAIN NO GAIN is forever my mantra. Even when I dont said it, I live by it.

15. Even though I eat so much, I am still so skinny. Butttttttt the only thing expanding is my cheek. Seriously. I've this one time working at kedai makan and I eat like ALL the time until I look so round and my friend insisted me to reduce eating.

16. I always have issues with girls. I find it hard to befriend with them and I always end up faking everything. Sucks.

17. I feel much comfortable having conversation with guys. Hence, my husband is forever my favorite gossip partner.

18. I can be both introvert and extrovert. I choose when I want to be which. I often become introvert with people I dont feel comfortable with and mostly are girls.

19. I am such a random person. I can go from this to that in seconds. And I love doing random things at random times. So hard for a person to understand me.

20. I dont like and dont know how to cook. But since we moved out from my parents house, I learn how to cook and cook very very often. I love cooking now.

21. I love chicken! I can eat it everyday, all the time, anytime.

22. Pepsi have always and will always be my favorite. But its been nearly 2 years since I drink carbonated drinks. I stopped ever since I got pregnant and still not drinking it because I am still breastfeeding my baby.

23. I dont have favoritism. I like all color equally. Depends on what I'm buying. I will see whether the color suits or not. So if you ask me what's my favorite, I find it as one of the hardest question for me to answer.

24. I LOVE KEROPOK LEKOR. And my son loves it too!

25. Everytime I see baby, I want one too! Eh? Hahahahahaha.

Wasalam. Love, Nina M.

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