Monday, June 11, 2018

My broken spectacles

I broke my spectacles. Guys, really, last year I had my specs done, a day before raya too. And now, 3 days before raya, I broke it, again. I broke it on the side. Previously I dropped it and it broke on the lens part, and it seems impossible to fix but husband did it. He glued and and its all good now. And last week, I was in the toilet and while pulling my spectacles out, one of its handle broke. So I black-taped it. And then, I discover the other handle is cracked and waiting to break, too. And it did, yesterday. So I black-taped it. Both sides black-taped guys. Husband wanting to glue it but we were rushing with everything and tired also so he had no time to fix it. All hail black tape for being an instant savior for the rabun me.

I guess my specs decide to broke itself every raya then. I have no intention of going to Sg Wang to get another one. I'm under really tight budget. Even if we're not, we just dont have much time to do so. We had our last minute shopping last minute, erm call it window shopping then, our choice of shopping place was a bummer so we got nothing for raya. The only thing we had now is Harris's baju melayu and my baju raya bought by my mom. And why is it sooooo little people sell full set baju melayu cekak musang anyway??????

Now with all Kurta, and only baju melayu, no pants. Ergh. Even my baju kurung also, I dont know, most of them doesnt fit my taste. Last night shopping was frustrating. I was so upset that I spent money to buy pyjamas and cardigan because it's easier to sleep it off. 

(Ignore the face, im just not happy- with the cardigan of course)

I am definitely shrinking guys. I think this is the smallest cardigan I got and it looked like a blazer when I wear it. People keep saying how small, tiny and thin I've become. My L-sized work uniform looks so baggy on me. I look so sloppy wearing it. And I am currently wearing my old S-sized work uniform that fits nicely. I am shrinking guys. No more daging, just bones. 

My raya has been synonym with full set baju melayu cekak musang with samping, songkok & capal & baju kurung. But now? Well to be honest, we had so little time for shopping this year. All last minute and we have another night TO NOT BE WASTED which is tonight. Because tomorrow's gonna be full with prepping dishes to cook for raya. And me, still working up until Thursday. 

How's my Ramadhan so far? I try to pray at the very earliest time, recite a lot of Dua, and sad to say, I did a lot of bad things to my husband lately. And I vowed to become better, in sha Allah. I've been wanting to go for Terawih prayer but you know, having an infant at home, you just cant be apart. But so far, I know deep down, I am trying to fix myself and I am moving forward to it. Even during my period days, I listened to al-quran recital.

What's worst to know during Ramadhan? During Ramadhan, syaitan is all locked up and to know that all the bad things, wrong doings, everything, comes from ourselves. Not syaitan. But us. And its time to take a step back, and reflect, for us to become better. 

I am already in the raya feels. Sad to leave Ramadhan, the best month of all. But I am really hoping I am in good health for the next Ramadhan, in sha Allah.

 How's your Ramadhan & raya preparation so far? 

Wasalam. Love, Nina M. 

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