I've been experiencing period pain BADLY for the past years and every month, I would take MC because the pain is excruciating & seriously, I cant handle it. I would roll on the floor and vomit every single meal I eat. Well, I even considered killing myself due to the pain.
Ever since I got pregnant with Harris, I saved a lot of my MC towards the end of my pregnancy. Morning sickness and all, the pain was a bit different. I mean, back ache, morning sickness and all, but no more period pain (duhh, of course). I was really hoping that my period pain would end after I gave birth. They say some women no longer experience period pain after they give birth and for the longest time, I am really wishful over that to happen.
For the past two days, I told my husband that I feel such pain like I'm having my period but I shrugged it off because I am currently breastfeeding and they say chances for you to had your period is quite minimal (or so I thought). Yesterday, I was having terrible back ache and I thought it was because I was fasting & we walked so much finding Harris's baju raya. So I was having a normal routine, break fast and all. That night I went to shower and I was surprised that I am having my period! Sad because I am pretty sure my puasa terbatal yesterday. I was very worried because I have this thought of my milk supply would be cut off once I had my period so I called my mom and told her. She denied my thought and alhamdulillah, I can still breastfeed Harris. I hope I will still be able to up until he's 2 years old. Just have to make sure I practice a good meal plan & continue breastfeeding.
And last night, I can sleep. Really? For real????, I asked myself. I mean, the pain is there, but its not as bad, get it? But I think its because I've been eating quiet a good meal plan since I got pregnant. I lay off carbonated drinks and all. Because I'm breastfeeding. But I dont know. Its too early to say that my period pain is permanently gone or just because of my diet. Whatever it is, I know I have to continue not getting all those junks for more than the limited amount so I could enjoy the non-painful period forever.
And this morning, I was a bit lazy. The pain is still there but it doesnt effect me as much. So I had my shower, drive to work & still standing working here in the office. Under the air-cond and all, which I usually avoid every single period time. I still feel a bit bloated, a bit of gurgling pain, but its awesomely bearable! I dont know, I am just having a good time now. Alhamdulillah.
No more period pain. For now.
Wasalam. Love, Nina M.
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