Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Harris's weaning journey, friend's wedding & Harris's sucking his toe!

Excited? Of course! From what I see in Harris, he loves eating, just like mummy. Judging from his eyes looking at the food, drooling over it, well just like mummy! Before he turns exactly 6 months, I did feed him a bit of fruits just to give him the taste of it. So he wont be so surprised over food intake. And two days before he turns 6 months, I am just beyond excited. Therefore, on Friday night, 20th April 2018, I went shopping for his feeding set. Just mummy getting super excited. 

But naah, just a simple feeding set. I wasnt getting all prepped up anyway. Because I was pretty busy with work, I didnt have enough time to do enough research. And I dread that. Because I should be excited? And do enough research on what to give, and what to cook what not. But no, I've been a bad mother. The nurses told me enough what to give and just that.... Such useless mother, I am. But me being so excited, I started feeding him solid food two days earlier. Because he turns 6 months on Monday and I dont want to miss out the first time of feeding him solid food, no. 

Just a normal feeding set. And I bought a bib too. 

He's good at seating but he also wants to get off. 

To my surprise, Harris is sooooo good to sit on chair. Except that he keeps on chewing on the edge of the chair... I fed him quite a lot and he still wants milk. 

As per advised by the nurse, first I should give him a porridge, no salt, no anything, just porridge and blend it. Not to my surprise, Harris loves it. See? I told you he's an eater like mummy. And now, I already start on a bit of carrot, cooked with porridge so it'll be soft enough to mesh it and a bit of anchovies, cooked and blended, a pinch of it towards the end when cooking the porridge. He loves it!

I guess its not too late to start on research on his weaning journey, right? And by cooking his food, I learn to manage my time well enough. Porridge requires quite long time to cook so I have to get up quite early in the morning (well only in the weekends la) to prepare his food so I could feed him while we all having breakfast. Here's to Amalina being a better mother. 

On Saturday, we went for one of our classmates wedding in Rawang. I dont hate weddings though. I just hate that I cant no longer fit into most of my clothes. Baju kurung, blouses, everything. They all look so baggy on me. Sometimes I uses Zira's clothes because I ran out of clothes I could fit. I didnt shed any weight, I'm just getting skinnier. So yeah, I keep on repeating the same outfits. 

In Malay sayings, when an infant already started to suck toe, means he wants a siblings. Well Harris, not too soon okay sayang? In sha Allah if ada rezeki. 

Wasalam. Love, Nina. ♥

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