For HUKM, things are pretty much slower there. And Harris is scheduled for the morning session, and you know how hard is it to be on time in the morning. Depends if Harris wakes up in the early morning or not. And it took us almost an hour to reach there. Thankfully husband's office is just nearby so he doesnt need to take leave. He could just enter late after helping me out with the registration whatnot before leaving me with Harris.
The earliest we would get ready is around 7.30 - 8.00 AM. So we'll arrive there around 8.30 - 9.00 AM. Since things are slower there, I cant really depend on baby carrier. I have to take stroller in too. And too bad, from the parking lot, they are not that stroller friendly. They have stairs and I cant be holding Harris and carrying stroller at the same time. So yeah, I need husband. Once I am in, and after submitting his card, it would take nearly an hour before they would call up our name to give our number. Depends on the people traffic.
Yesterday, we arrived around 9.00 AM and we got our number around half an hour after. Still. And we went to weigh Harris. Thankfully yesterday was less crowded. Reaching to the other side of the waiting place, where Harris's number would be called up, we wait. So this is when husband went and get me some bread and breakfast before he left for work. I love it there since its less crowded on that waiting area and nursing room is just next to it. And there's beds, and seats for breastfeeding and stroller friendly. The area is big. Waiting game is no joke though. But I am fine as long as I have food and stroller & great area. But I always keep everything within reach because handling an infant alone, means you cant leave for toilet visits, AT ALL. So I make sure I emptied my bladder before husband left for work. And I love that the doctor's room is wide enough for stroller. Unlike HKL, the doctor's room is quite small. Of course, there's pros and cons.
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Harris on the bed, as usual, playing around. |
Harris is the kind of baby that fancies golek-golek. Especially when he want to take a nap or sleep. He requires his own space. But too bad, he doesnt want to take a nap. But he dreads for it. So I get him into the stroller and stroll around until he fell asleep.
Our number was called up a while after, nearing the afternoon. And the meeting was short. Just a follow up. Its a requirement since Harris's possibility to get malrotation again is there. Doakan yang baik-baik. And after that I waited for husband to pick us up.
"Sayang, bole tak kalau syg drive balik dgn Harris? Nanti petang amik abg dari office, bole? Teringin nak wife amik balik keje."
Gila cheesy. Ceh. But yea, I'm okay with it. The real reason because he got some issues at work that is urgent. So yea, I drove back home.
I arrived home with Harris sleeping. Stayed a while in the car before I become so sleepy and had to take him up. The reason why I dont want to disturb his sleep because he normally would wake up once carried. So I gave him some time to get power nap.
I gave him a bath, breastfeed him, and golek-golek afterwards. I was darn sleepy, while he still wants to play around. Thankfully Zira came down and accompany Harris while I get a power nap. Harris falls asleep around 3.50 PM and I have to drive to hubs office around 4.30 PM to avoid traffic jams. End up, we left around 5.00 PM and still managed to arrive on time (?)
Driving back home would be crazy at that hour because of the massive traffic jams. Well, we actually have everything planned out at the first place, so..... Sunway Velocity Mall it is!
Yeap, they have Boost booth there. Yay! And Family Mart! Double yay! Had Oden, two times & tried their ice creams. Safe to say, I fulfilled my late night cravings.
We spent quite some time there, browsing, window shopping. But I just dont have the mood to do so. I asked husband if we could go back quite early because the traffic might have subside.
"Eh cepatnya nak balik? Selalu bukan awak rajin nak window shopping?"
Well yea....
1. Paycheck still not in.
2. Thinking of going to The Face Shop but just discovered I have a bunch of moisturizer still unused. So...
3. Husband bought me new shoes and handbags which I fully satisfied with, what more can I ask??
We arrived home around Maghrib and I quickly bathe Harris and get him ready for bed.
P/S: Dear Harris, please know that we dont usually go to malls on weekday so its an exemption. Its so not gonna happen on school days. Definitely no.
P.P/S: Please ignore the above P/S if it happens. Exemptions are for urgent things.
Wasalam. Love, H. ♥
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