Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Baby weaning starter kit

You know, I kinda HAVE to google that. Haha.

A week more before Harris's monthly birthday and he's turning 6 months and its time for weaning! Actually we already start feeding him a bit of fruits and organic food and he loves it so much. I can see that he's an eater, just like mummy. You know he tends to become so attracted to food. He cooed so much when he saw us eating, wanting to eat so bad. And #mummyguilt kicks in because I am sooooo scared of trying to feed him. There's no actual time when the baby can start weaning. As long as the baby can digest, in sha Allah its allowable. But just me, still wants to wait until he reach 6 months and day 1. Yesterday's appointment I did ask the doctor whether I could start giving him food, doctor said yes. And maybe I'll try?

Giving myself a smack in the face. 

Harris is turning 6 months in less than a week! And I am going to start on solid food for him. Is this for real??? Smacks head again.

And this means, SHOPPING. Bowl, spoon, all those colorful ones. Omg so much to choose! And I am getting excited. Harris now are progressing so much. He knows his nap time, sleeping time, feeding time. And he's starting to crawl now. He took his first step in front of hubs at a clinic. Sigh. While trying to run away from the doctor. Sheesh. I missed that. And I aint gonna miss his first feeding solid food time. Nu-uh.

Why is the time flying so swiftly?

P/S: If one day I die, Harris please know I blogged so much of my lives and feel free to read it. ONLY after I die, okay baby? I am not gonna let you judging me hard.

Wasalam. Love, H. ♥

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