Monday, March 25, 2019

Another sleepless night

It's midnight and I just slurped down a cup of coffee. Cant sleep just yet. I put Harris to bed and now, here I am, blogwalking again? I dont know. We just got home from show house. Yeap, in the midst of purchasing a house but still surveying for good deals. And we have to find new car too. And also, need to buy new mattress for Harris new endeavour: sleeping alone.

I'm just feeling a bit bitter and down today. The house we're surveying is like too pricey and of course we can afford it, its just that I dont think we'd be able to save some money for emergencies later. So yea, I guess we gotta kiss that one good bye. (Any developer sales person can hit me up please!). I'm looking for a house around Setiawangsa, Wangsa Maju area if I could but you know, the price here spikes up like mad due to so many amenities within reach and my location choices aint that much options, so yea. If only I could find 500k cash and just buy it though. Haihh.... There are a lot of other things I need to consider if I choose to find house other than the above mentioned area.

And you know what, I gotta survey for cars. I need a new car. Why? Because my viva is starting to worn out and the cost of maintaining and repairing is like, urm... a lot? Too many things to get at the moment. Commitments and all. Really, at some point, I think I can only afford one children. The cost of living these days. Maybe I should consider doing two jobs now.

I dont even know which to get first. It's giving me headache. Kan best kalau gaji ribu riban! Tomorrow is working day and I couldnt get myself to sleep.

I wish life was easier in so many ways. Like so so so so many ways. I should try and get myself to sleep. New day, new beginning. I wish....

When will this phase end? Wasalam. Love, Nina M. 

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