Previously, I mentioned that I have a dry and sensitive skin. But after a lot of reading, turns out, its not. Yes, I have eczema but after beranak, I dont have it anymore. I mean, my skin are almost fine. Just a bit gatal-gatal if I kopek udang whatnot. And a bit more on the drier side. Mostly org cakap time kite keluarkan darah nifas tu, mmg dia keluarkan darah kotor semua so thats why jarang ada masalah kulit and some people terus jadi flawless. My body skin is still a bit dry sbb time pantang kan kne mandi air panas. But my skin is improving sbb makan makanan pantang, no processed food, drinks a lot of plain water. As for my face, ada orang tegur muka dah bersih. Cuma acne scar tu ada. And kawah-kawah tu la. Since my skin pun mcm dah makin elok, so I nak kekalkan la. So minum air masak tu mmg paling regular, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, especially because our skin layer is the last organ to be hydrated. So kalau minum air sikit, dia cuma hydrate internal organ je. What about skin? So kne la minum air bebanyak sampai kulit rasa plump gila. But still, skincare tu penting.
So..... I started reading on skincare. How to solve my skin concerns. But my biggest problem now would be.... I dont even know what is my face skin type. Kalau badan, I know its a bit drying sebab I mandi air panas and malas nak sapu lotion mcm dlu. And dah tak timbul eczema macam dulu. But as for my face, I sebenarnya tktau dia dry/sensitive or oily/acne prone skin. Awal-awal dulu I feel like my face a bit dry sbb ada flaky sikit BUT lansung tkde tight feeling. So I guess its not that bad. And I baca pasal 7 layers of toner. I did that for around 2 weeks and oh boy how plump my face is, best sangat. Dah tak dehydrated mcm haritu. Plus, I slalu minum air bebanyak, which is also important sbb nak produce susu badan. But depends, kalau I rasa kulit muka dah mcm lembap sgt, I pakai 3 layer je. Plus I use something like toner essence. Dia lg likat compared to toner biasa. Plus, mmg toner utk dry skin pun I beli. Pakai 7 layers, mula-mula rasa melekit. Tapi lama-lama macam okay. Moisturizer mmg penting. Penting sbb dia nak lock all the moisture yg kite tepek awal-awal tu.
Masalah sekarang?
My facial skin dah tak terlampau dry. And tak sensitive pun. And since my moisturizer nak habis dah and its too pricey (plus kt Hermo out of stock sejak tahun lepas!) so I nak cari moisturizer lain. Bnde pertama kne tahu, our skin type. Ha ni masalah. I tktau apa jenis kulit I.
So I did a test. I washed my face. Let alone for an hour. Tak sentuh muka. Tak pakai apa-apa lansung.
Tak dry, tak oily. Bila rasa-rasa, kat pipi rasa kawah-kawah tu je la. And other place tkde oily pun. So I assume I am now normal skin type? Pores tak invisible nor obvious.
Tak puas hati jgk so I did a quiz online. Most results I get is normal & dehydrated skin. Dry and dehydrated ni lain tau.... So now I tktau nak cari moisturizer utk kulit normal or dry. Most skincare sekarang dia mcm dah khusus, like ada range utk oily/combination skin and dry/sensitive skin. And yes, kulit muka I dah tak sensitive. Even if I use apa-apa kat muka pun, dia cam okay je?
So the search for moisturizer is still ongoing. Any recommendations?
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